SBT WhatsApp Groups

whatsapp information

Connect with our WhatsApp community 
WhatsApp is SBT’s preferred mode of communication. It’s a free phone and desktop app that makes communication free and easy within private groups. We highly recommend that everyone in our sangha download the app and join our groups.

Note: You can ‘mute notifications’ of any group so you’re not bothered by continuous post alerts. Don’t worry, all posts and content will still remain available to you to read when you have the time.

SBT – News and Updates – Stay up-to-date on SBT events and activities. This group was created to share official SBT news and information. (Only moderators can post to this group)

SBT – Dharma Chat – A place to learn about the buddhadharma. This group was created for our SBT sangha to ask questions and share thoughts about Buddhism and Secular Buddhism. Anyone can participate.

SBT – Sangha Chat – A place to connect with community. This group was created for our SBT sangha to chat about everyday events and share their interests, lives, and loves. Anyone can participate.

SBT – Skillful Living Lifestyle – A place to share information on the SBT ‘Skillful Living Lifestyle’. Here you can post recipe ideas, health and exercise tips, productivity tips, and other thoughts related to our 10 tenets of a skillful living lifestyle. Everyone is welcome to participate.

SBT – Sangha Support – A place to both receive and give support to fellow Sangha members. A space to share personal experiences and to draw upon the collective wisdom of the community. Everyone is welcome to participate.

——– Private Groups ——–

SBT – Bodhisattva chat – A place for those who have taken Bodhisattva vows with SBT. A meeting place to learn, share, and discus topics related to the bodhisattva path.

SBT – Lay Ordained chat – A place for those who have taken Lay Ordination with SBT. A meeting place to learn, share, and discus topics related to the Lay Ordained path. 

Help Support Our Work

In the spirit of the Buddha’s own vast generosity, all of our work is free.
If you enjoy our teachings, texts, and community, please consider lending your support.