
Secular Buddhism Programs

“Some seem to see Buddhism as a purely intellectual pursuit, with the goal of merely gaining a greater knowledge of dharma than others. This view neglects the fact that Buddhism at its core is about wellness and healing. It’s about developing our minds and hearts and becoming mentally, emotionally, and physically whole.” ~ Venerable Tarpa.

Free Online Programs

Teachings / Q&A / Discussions / Retreats

SBT Secular Buddhism, Free online classes, programs, and meditations

SBT Regular Events

Every Sunday, Ven. Tarpa offers online teachings on a variety of subjects. 
Our Sunday teachings are at - 19:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
To find your local time, type into google, ‘My time to 19:00 UTC’

All events are on our private Zoom channel 

Remember, our Zoom channel is private – please do not share it online. Instead, direct people to our website for more information. 


Daily 20-minute online meditations with short Q&A. 
All are welcome to join us. 
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On the last Sunday of every month, SBT engages in a ‘day of observance’. A day set aside to deepen our studies, practice, and commitment to sangha. The day of observance is a Buddhist tradition established by the Buddha himself. On this day our sangha gathers for our online retreat of study, contemplation, and meditation. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. These are open retreats, meaning you can participate as you wish. You can commit yourself to the full retreat, attend parts, or pop in when you’re free. Learn more...


SBT Programs

Our Meditation and Mindfulness programs are designed to be comfortable and enjoyable, sharing simple presentations and practices that are accessible to everyone. If you’re new to meditation, no need to worry – these programs are gradual and easy to follow. These programs are completely free and open to all – from beginners to the advanced. Learn more... 

Our meditation instructor training program mirrors our meditation programs. It's for selected experienced students who learn and participate by teaching various make-up classes during the week, leading towards their instructor certification.  

This study and practice series represents the foundational level of the SBT study curriculum, a Secular Buddhist study and practice series founded on the timeless wisdom of the Buddha, a program created for audiences of diverse backgrounds and beliefs. The program is free, and all are welcome to attend - beginners and the advanced.
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Mind-training, or more appropriately ‘heart-training’, is a Tibetan Buddhist practice aimed at cultivating and attaining bodhichitta – the altruistic mind of awakening. Mind-training is practiced by contemplating and/or visualizing a set of prescribed topics which gently lead to the development of the mind of bodhichitta.
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To take refuge in the three jewels (the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha) is to make a formal commitment to actualize the Buddha’s teachings and path; a commitment to your own awakening. Learn more... 

To take Bodhisattva vows represents initiation into the Mahayana path. It's a formal commitment to actualize the Mahayana path, which is a commitment to our own awakening. Learn more... 

Lay ordination in SBT offers lay practitioners the opportunity to deepen their training beyond refuge and bodhisattva vows. SBT’s lay ordination vows consist of forty-six precepts of awakened behavior. These precepts aid us in further recognizing and clarifying which aspects of ourselves and our lives are to be cultivated and which ones are to be abandoned. Prerequisites are having held refuge and bodhisattva vows (upholding bodhisattva vows for a minimum of one year).  Learn more... 

We will be offering Monastic Ordination in the near future. 

SBT Online Events

All of our online teachings, Q&As, and programs are held on our private Zoom channel.

SBT Zoom Channel   

Remember, our Zoom channel is private – please do not share it online. Instead, direct people to our website for the information.

Daily Online Meditations

SBT Secular Buddhism, online daily meditations

20-Minute Guided Meditation
Join us – Everyone’s welcome to attend

Monthly Meditation Retreat

SBT Secular Buddhism, online retreat

Join us the Last Sunday of Every Month for Our Online Meditation Retreat

Help Support Our Work

In the spirit of the Buddha’s own vast generosity, all of our work is free.
If you enjoy our teachings, texts, and community, please consider lending your support.